Experts Words
Seoul Arts Center / SOUTH KOREA
  Giancarlo Monsalve who played the role of Don Jose, made good use of his voice and acting as a pure young man attracted to love and crush. He was very good at showing his trembling emotions with the finest techniques that let him sang from fortissimo to pianissimo. Acts 1 and 2 he showed de indecisive conflicts, so there was a good contrast with the developing to the acts 3 and 4 provoking tension.   (Original language)   돈호세역을 맡은 잔카를로 몬살베는 순수한 청년이 사랑에 이끌려 파국에 치닺는 전개를 발성과 연기로 잘 살려주었다. 그는 높은 음을 부르면서도 피아니시모로 아주 작게 부르는 최고의 기교로 떨리는 감정선을 너무나도 멋지게 보여주었다. 1막부터 2막까지는 우유부단한 돈 호세이기에 속으로 머금는 창법을, 이후 3막과 4막은 팽팽하게 내지르는 창법을 보여주는 대비가 좋았다. 박순영   |
by Park Sun-young / November 2019 |
Seoul Arts Center / SOUTH KOREA
  Giancarlo Monsalve who appeared in the opera Carmen, which was screened live in major cinemas around the world. With his gorgeous appearance, emotional voice and solid performance. He's one of the best Lyric Spinto Tenor of our times, working in theaters and festivals worldwide, including Arena di Verona, the Royal Opera House in London's Covent Garden, the Bavarian State Opera, Munich State Opera..   (Original language)   잔카를로 몬살베는 화려한 외모와 감성적인 목소리, 그리고 탄탄한 연기력으로 전 세계 주요 영화관에 라이브 스트리밍으로 상영되었던 오페라 <카르멘>에 출연했다. 그는 아레나디베로나, 런던 로열오페라하우스코벤트가든, 바이에른국립오페라극장, 뮌헨국립오페라극장 등 세계적인 극장과 축제에서 활동하는 이 시대 최고의 리릭 스핀토 테너Liric Spinto Tenor다.글 이소영 솔오페라단장   |
by So-Young Lee / November 2019 |
Teatro Municipal de Santiago / CHILE
  Giancarlo Monsalve, masculine symbol of the lyric voices of the present,and whose belcantist voice was coupled with the heroic and romantic musical motifs of a beautiful score in itself   (Original language)   Giancarlo Monsalve, símbolo masculino de las voces líricas del presente, y cuya voz belcantista de acoplaba a los motivos musicales heroicos y románticos de una partitura hermosa en sí misma   |
by Luis Felipe Sauvalle / April 2019 |
Teatro Municipal de Santiago / CHILE
  The debut in this theater of the Chilean tenor Giancarlo Monsalve is auspicious.
And he does it in a big way, with a role adjusted to his spinto lyric timbre that dashing with power towards the dramatic, without neglecting the most lyrical aspects of Don Alvaro.   (Original language)   El debut en este teatro del tenor chileno Giancarlo Monsalve es auspicioso. Y lo hace a lo grande, con un papel ajustado a su timbre lírico spinto que se precipita con poder hacia lo dramático, sin descuidar los aspectos más líricos de Don Álvaro.   |
by Jose Luis Arredondo / April 2019 |
Hong Kong Opera / CHINA
  Chilean tenor Giancarlo Monsalve delivers a full-throated and testosterone-laden Don José in the tradition of singers like Mario del Monaco. Monsalve’s finale has unexpected visual and emotional parallels to A Streetcar Named Desire. While undoubtedly coincidental, it is a reminder that there is much about Carmen that can be construed as social commentary, undercurrents which keep the work relevant.   |
by Peter Gordon / May 2018 |
Albanian National Opera / ALBANIA
  Triumphs 'Carmen' with Kamenica, Monsalve, Myshketa and Golemin
Chilean tenor Giancarlo Monsalve has thrilled the public with the role of soldier Don José.
Dazzled by his love for Carmen, he has also fascinated the Albanian public with his voice, creating a fantastic duet with Vikena Kamenica.   (Original language)   Triumfon ‘Carmen’ me Kamenicën, Monsalve, Myshketën e Golemin Tenori kilian Giancarlo Monsalve ka entuziazmuar publikun me rolin e ushtar Don Joze. I verbuar nga dashuria për Carmen ai ka magjepsur edhe me zërin e tij publikun shqiptar, duke krijuar në duet fantastik me Vikena Kamenicën.   |
by Redaksia / January 2018 |
Teatro Regional del Maule / CHILE
  Manrico, the Troubadour, gives no respite to his genuine love for Leonora, and with an intense and passionate interpretation, the Chilean tenor Giancarlo Monsalve kept the audience attentive to his story from beginning to end.   (Original language)   Manrico, el Trovador, no da tregua a su genuino amor por Leonora, y con una interpretación intensa y llena de pasión, el tenor chileno Giancarlo Monsalve mantuvo al público atento a su historia de principio a fin.   |
by María Celeste Jiménez / December 2017 |
Teatru Aurora, Opera Gozo / MALTESE ISLANDS
  Cellebrating Forty years of Opera production! Like any self-respecting opera both Cavalleria and Pagliacci have as their main characters tenor, baritone and soprano. Cavalleria also has a mezzo that is absent in Pagliacci. It is not very common for a tenor to sing the main parts (Turiddu and Canio) in both operas on the same night. Yet this is exactly what tenor Giancarlo Monsalve did. Monsalve has a fine big voice, a very handsome presence and is a fine actor. His leave-taking scene from his mother, Mama Lucia, before the final denouement was extremely touching - his fear, his reluctance to leave, taking over from his bravado. Between Monsalve and Mastromarino they brought out all the tragic qualities of the piece that becomes increasingly more intense as the action develops.   |
by Cecilia Xuereb / November 2017 |
Teatru Aurora, Opera Gozo / MALTESE ISLANDS
  Tenor Giancarlo Monsalve had a very tough double job – singing Turiddu and Canio and he portrayed the two tragic characters very well. He was the rather irresponsible local seducer who overplayed his hand in one role and in the other was the jealous, betrayed husband with good reason to feel aggrieved, but, too much out of control, leading to a double murder a furia di sangue.   |
by Albert Storace / November 2017 |
Teatru Aurora, Opera Gozo / MALTESE ISLANDS
  Another success in 40 years
The Aurora Theater celebrated 40 years of Opera in Gozo with a big success of the opera productions "Cavalleria Rusticana" and "Pagliacci in Theater Aurora. Giancarlo Monsalve, Chilean Opera Star, Cultural Ambassador and UNESCO World Heritage Medal, was debuting to Theater Aurora with a list of the world's best theaters, including the Royal Opera House Covent Garden, the Arena di Verona and the National Opera of Washington in which he appeared. For Monsalve, it was also a successful night. Joanna Parisi joined them as well, as Santuzza, Christine Dalli and the Maltese and Graziella Debattista as Lola and Mamma Lucia. Written only two years later - in 1892 - the opera 'Pagliacci of Ruggero Leoncavallo followed the same evening after an interval of just over half an hour. The only two cast members that shared between the two operas were Mastromarino and Monsalve, as Tonio and Canio respectively. The applauses Vociferous were really warranted.   (Original language)   Suċċess ieħor fl-40 sena It-Teatru tal-Opra Aurora ċċelebra l-40 sena ta’ Opra f’Għawdex mit-Teatru tal-Opra Aurora bis-suċċess tal-produzzjoni tal-opri ‘Cavalleria Rusticana’ u ‘Pagliacci’. Giancarlo Monsalve, stilla tal-opra Ċilena u Ambaxxatur Kulturali għall-Patrimonju Dinji tal-UNESCO, kien qed jiddebutta biex żied lit-Teatru tal-Opra Aurora ma’ lista tal-aqwa teatri tad-dinja, fosthom ir-Royal Opera House ta’ Covent Garden, l-Arena di Verona u n-National Opera ta’ Washington li fihom huwa deher. Għal Monsalve, dan ukoll kien lejl ta’ suċċess. Magħhom ingħaqdu ukoll Joanna Parisi, bħala Santuzza, u l-Maltin Christine Dalli u Graziella Debattista bħala Lola u Mamma Lucia. Miktuba biss sentejn wara – fl-1892 – l-opra ‘Pagliacci’ ta’ Ruggero Leoncavallo segwiet fl-istess serata wara intervall ta’ ftit aktar minn nofs siegħa. L-uniċi żewġ membri tal-kast komuni bejn iż-żewġ opri kienu Mastromarino u Monsalve, bħala Tonio u Canio rispettivament. L-applawsi voċiferużi kienu tassew meritati.   |
by Soċjetá Filarmonika Leone / October 2017 |
Opera de Montreal / CANADA
  Chilean tenor Giancarlo Monsalve, as Mario Cavaradossi, frequently struck gold, culminating in the famous leitmotival “E lucevan le stelle” (“And the stars shone”), sung in the third act, where the doomed artist and lover appears to know his fate, while singing the heart-rending words “Never have I loved life so much”.   |
by Robert Kilborn / September 2017 |
Opera de Montreal / CANADA
  The voices are superb, powerful and full of emotion. Singers with superb voices who also magnificently perform their theatrical roles, an excellent orchestra, not to mention the choruses and an incredible number of well-conducted extras ... everything is there in Tosca by Giacomo Puccini presented at the opening of the season at the Opéra de Montréal.   (Original language)   Les voix sont superbes, puissantes et pleines d’émotions. Des chanteurs aux voix superbes qui tiennent en plus magnifiquement leurs rôles théâtraux, un excellent orchestre, sans oublier les chœurs et un nombre incroyable de figurants bien menés… tout est là dans Tosca de Giacomo Puccini présenté en ouverture de saison à l’Opéra de Montréal.   |
by Sophie Jama / September 2017 |
Opera de Montreal / CANADA
  Giancarlo Monsalve, a Chilean tenor with a leading man physique, with a dark voice and an Italian stamp, has embodied a Cavaradossi with verissimo that is more real than life itself. I enjoyed the wonderflul aria "Recondita Armonia" magnificently rendered by the painter Cavaradossi by Giancarlo Monsalve. The apprehension of an imminent death has earned us, on the part of Cavaradossi, to hear one of the most magnificent lyrical jewels adorning the firmament of the operatic universe, "E lucevan le stelle" (" And the stars were shining "),vocal prowess whose very capable divo Giancarlo Monsalve has very talented and graciously acquitted. The three highlights, previously named, were immediately followed by plaudits from a conquered and delighted room. We were expecting them firmly, and their performance did not disappoint. The end of the opera was greeted with regret, but with great reinforcements of bravos and applause, by a full house which spontaneously raised to express its contentment.   (Original language)   Giancarlo Monsalve, ténor chilien au physique de jeune premier, à la voix planante et au timbre italien, a incarné un Cavaradossi verissimo plus vrai que nature. Je me suis régalé du magnifique aria « Recondita Armonia » magnifiquement rendu par le peintre Cavaradossi de Giancarlo Monsalve. L’appréhension d’une mort imminente nous a valu, de la part de Cavaradossi, d’entendre certainement un des plus magnifiques joyaux lyriques ornant le firmament de l’univers opératique, « E lucevan le stelle » (« Le ciel luisait d’étoiles »), prouesse vocale dont le très capable divo Giancarlo Monsalve s’est très talentueusement et gracieusement acquitté. Les trois highlights, précédemment nommés, ont été immédiatement suivis d’applaudissements nourris provenant d’une salle conquise et ravie. Nous les attendions de pied ferme, et leur performance ne nous a pas déçus. La fin de l’opéra a été accueillie avec regret, mais à grand renforts de bravos et d’applaudissements, par une salle comble qui s’est spontanément levée pour exprimer son contentement..   |
by Daniel Raymond / September 2017 |
Opera de Montreal / CANADA
  The music of Puccini is magnificent. We hear beautiful duets between Mario and Tosca singing their love and beautiful solos by Scarpia and Mario accompanied by choruses. An impressive Te Deum is sung in the church. Giancarlo Monsalve (Mario) sings a very beautiful solo while Melody Moore-Wagner (Tosca) dazzles us in his solo of the end.   (Original language)   La musique de Puccini est magnifique. On entend de superbes duos entre Mario et Tosca qui chantent leur amour et de beaux solos de Scarpia et de Mario accompagnés des chœurs. On chante un Te Deum impressionnant à l’église. Giancarlo Monsalve (Mario) chante un très beau solo alors que Melody Moore-Wagner (Tosca) nous éblouit dans son solo de la fin.   |
by Jocelyne Tourngeau / September 2017 |
Opera de Montreal / CANADA
  Passion and distress are intensely felt by the divine vocal interpretations of Melody Moore-Wagner (Tosca) and Giancarlo Monsalve (Mario).   (Original language)   La passion et la détresse sont intensément ressenties par les divines interprétations vocales de Melody Moore-Wagner (Tosca) et Giancarlo Monsalve (Mario).   |
by Meriem Benammour / September 2017 |
Opera de Montreal / CANADA
  The role of Giancarlo Monsalve expresses the passion of Mario, his character, for painting, but especially for his beautiful Tosca. The beauty as a tenor when he sings his love for Tosca is impressive.   (Original language)   Le rôle qu’avait Giancarlo Monsalve exprime la passion de Mario, son personnage, pour la peinture, mais surtout pour sa belle Tosca. La beauté de son ténor lorsqu’il chante son amour pour Tosca est impressionnante.   |
by Angela Novakovic / September 2017 |
Teatro Comunale di Sassari / ITALY
  Successful return of Andrea Chénier at the Teatro Comunale of Sassari. The applauses were also repeated for the singers. As well as the character's debut in the title role was Giancarlo Monsalve, Chilean tenor of Italian origins, well succeeded in a particularly complex role.   (Original language)   L'Andrea Chénier torna al Comunale di Sassari con successo. Gli applausi si sono ripetuti anche per i cantanti. Così come al debutto nel personaggio del title-role era Giancarlo Monsalve, tenore cileno di origine italiana, ben disimpegnato in un ruolo particolarmente complesso.   |
by Sassari Notizie Newspaper / December 2016 |
Teatro Regional del Maule / CHILE
  The trio of principal singers was led by Chilean tenor Giancarlo Monsalve in the title role of Otello. The artist made a double debut: in his country and in the role of the Moor of Venice. Endowed with generous and secure vocal means, and a great theatrical temperament, it became a pleasant surprise for the assistants. It is a singer who has already started an interesting international career, and we will have to follow closely his next steps.   (Original language)   El trío de cantantes protagonistas fue encabezado por el tenor chileno Giancarlo Monsalve en el rol titular de Otello. El artista hacía un doble debut: en su país y en el rol del Moro de Venecia. Dotado de medios vocales generosos y seguros, y de un gran temperamento teatral, se convirtió en una grata sorpresa para los asistentes. Se trata de un cantante que ya ha comenzado una interesante carrera internacional, y habrá que seguir con atención sus próximos pasos.   |
by Maestro Andrés Rodríguez Pérez / November 2016 |
Teatro Regional del Maule / CHILE
  Verdi's Otello, a magnific interpretation of the Teatro Regional del Maule. The great surprise was the tenor in charge of the role of Otello, who has been living outside Chile for many years and had not yet sung in our country. Giancarlo Monsalve convinced the audience with his beautiful timbre and great security in the top. This role is covered by tenors with great vocal maturity and we saw here an expert tenor who is also an eloquent interpreter.   (Original language)   Otello de Verdi, una magnífica interpretación del Teatro Regional del Maule La gran novedad era el tenor a cargo del rol de Otello, quien lleva años radicado fuera de Chile y no había aún cantado en nuestro país. Giancarlo Monsalve convenció a la audiencia con su hermoso timbre y gran seguridad en los agudos. Este rol lo abordan tenores con gran madurez vocal y vimos aquí un tenor aguerrido que además es un elocuente intérprete.   |
by Alejandra Kantor / November 2016 |
Teatro Regional del Maule / CHILE
  An 'Otello' Opera that makes history at the Teatro Regional del Maule. The Moorish that interprets the tenor born in Valparaiso, Giancarlo Monsalve, reflects all the atavistic animality of the character and, at the same time, its defenselessness before the intrigue of the envious, and power hungry, Iago. Monsalve collects the expressive force of some reference Otellos to draw his own: the animality and torment of a Ramon Vinay, the strength and sonorous brilliance of a Mario Del Monaco (with that steady emission and blade cutting sonorous trebles) and the scenic ductility of A Plácido Domingo. In Talca there was standing ovation for this young Chilean performer who proves to be in the major leagues of singing worldwide. A memorable debut in Chile and in the role, at the highest level.   (Original language)   El Moro que interpreta el tenor nacido en Valparaiso, Giancarlo Monsalve, refleja toda la atávica animalidad del personaje y, al mismo tiempo, su indefensión ante la intriga del envidioso, y ávido de poder, Yago. Monsalve recoge la fuerza expresiva de unos Otellos referenciales para dibujar el suyo: la animalidad y tormento de un Ramon Vinay, la fuerza y brillantez sonora de un Mario Del Mónaco (con esa emisión acerada y de agudos firmes y sonoros) y la ductilidad escénica de un Plácido Domingo. En Talca hubo ovación de pie para este joven intérprete chileno que demuestra estar en las ligas mayores del canto a nivel mundial. Un debut memorable en Chile y en el rol, al más alto nivel.   |
by José Luis Arredondo / November 2016 |
Teatro Regional del Maule / CHILE
  Spectacular premiere of "Otello" charmed the audience From 8 pm yesterday and for three hours the most awaited production of the year was played on the stage of the Teatro Regional del Maule. The opera "Otello" by Giuseppe Verdi was scene after scene showing the moral and psychological decline of a very particular man. The so-called "Moor of Venice", Otello, perfectly played by the Chilean tenor Giancarlo Monsalve, loved, hated and suffered, managing to share his feelings with the audience that filled the theater. After the end of the opera the audience applauded for long minutes, with many bravos! Including, excited for having had the opportunity to see a show of such quality.
The vice president of the TRM Friends Corporation, César Aldana, the production was "wonderful, I hope that people appreciate this tremendous effort being made by the Regional Theater, with an orchestra that is sounding wonderfully, with Monsalve as Otello who is a great tenor at a world wide level". Sergio Jaime also indicated what he thought "An excellent version. A very complex opera. The tenor showed off splendidly. I have seen several Otello's in Santiago and this one has very good level, excellent "  (Original language)   Espectacular estreno de “Otello” encantó a los maulinos Desde las 20.00 horas de ayer y por tres horas se desplegó en el escenario del Teatro Regional del Maule el montaje más esperado del año. La ópera “Otello” de Giuseppe Verdi fue escena tras escena mostrando el declive moral y psicológico de un hombre muy particular. El llamado “Moro de Venecia”, Otello, perfectamente interpretado por el tenor chileno Giancarlo Monsalve, amó, odió y sufrió, logrando hacer compartir sus sentimientos por el público que llenó el teatro. Tras el término de la ópera el público aplaudió por largos minutos, con muchos ¡bravos! incluidos, emocionados por haber tenido la oportunidad de ver un espectáculo de semejante calidad. El vicepresidente de la Corporación de Amigos del TRM, César Aldana, el montaje fue “maravilloso, espero que la gente aprecie este tremendo esfuerzo que está haciendo el Teatro Regional, con una orquesta que está sonando de maravilla, con un Monsalve como Otello que es un gran tenor a nivel internacional”. Sergio Jaime indicó que le pareció “una excelente versión. Una ópera muy compleja. El tenor se lució. Yo he visto varios Otellos en Santiago y éste tiene muy buen nivel, excelente”.   |
by Daniela Bueno / November 2016 |
Mascagnian Comitee. Bagnara di Romagna / ITALY
  An ovation for the tenor Monsalve.
A passionate concert - event has consecrated Sunday, September 25 at the Auditorium of Bagnara di Romagna with the 35° Golden Mascagni Award to the tenor Giancarlo Monsalve, acclaimed star of the international opera world. The thirty two year old tenor has thrilled the audience with arias from "Cavalleria Rusticana" by Mascagni and Verdi's "Otello", role that is about to debut in his home country, Chile. Thirty two year old, movie star physique, has an heroic tenor voice with full and mellow timbre, has a perfect "fraseggio" and fits into the characters with an contagious passion. Particularly loves the Italian operatic repertoire and his training, which began in Chile, was completed in Europe and Italy, the homeland of the great interpreters that inspires him. Enchanting were his talent and his energy, but also its simplicity and generosity. "  (Original language)   Un’ovazione per il tenore Monsalve. Un appassionante concerto – evento ha consacrato domenica 25 settembre all’Auditorium di Bagnara di Romagna la consegna del 35° Mascagni D’Oro al tenore Giancarlo Monsalve, astro conclamato della lirica internazionale. Il tenore trentaduenne ha emozionato il pubblico con arie dalla “Cavalleria Rusticana” di Mascagni e da “Otello” di Verdi, ruolo in cui è in procinto di debuttare nel suo paese d’origine, il Cile. Trentaduenne, fisico da attore cinematografico, voce da tenore eroico dal timbro pieno e suadente, ha un fraseggio perfetto e si cala nei personaggi con una passione contagiosa. Ama particolarmente il repertorio lirico italiano e la sua formazione, iniziata in Cile, si è perfezionata in Europa e in Italia, patria dei grandi interpreti a cui si ispira. Hanno incantato la sua bravura e la sua energia, ma anche la sua semplicità e la sua grande generosità.   |
by Attilia Tartagni / September 2016 |
E-CARMEN (World Premier) / DON JOSÉ
Vilnius City Opera / LITHUANIA
  As charming Jose - Chilean tenor Giancarlo Monsalve with an exceptional voice and acting abilities - said before the premier, "at times I got goosebumps from the beauty of music and emotion" Particularly impressive were Jose and Carmen duets. Monsalve and Gringytė perfectly portrayed the main characters moreover, they felt absolutely free in the electronics field, like fishes in their own water, although before that, they had to erase everything that hey knew about Bizet's music that they had sung so many times. "  (Original language)   Protarpiais, kaip prieš premjerą sakė ir žavusis Chozė – išskirtinio balso ir aktorinių sugebėjimų Čilės tenoras Giancarlo Monsalve, oda pašiurpdavo nuo muzikos grožio ir emocijų gaivalo. Ypač įspūdingai skambėjo Chozė ir Karmen duetai. Pagrindinius herojus tobulai įkūniję G.Monsalve ir Justina Gringytė jautėsi elektronikos stichijoje kaip žuvys vandenyje, nors prieš tai turėjo ištrinti iš atminties daugybę kartų dainuotas Georges‘o Bizet originalo partijas.   |
by Asta Andrikonytė / September 2016 |
Teatro Petruzzelli. Bari / ITALY
  Excellent the Cavaradossi of Giancarlo Monsalve; large and powerful voice, balanced and supported with expertise. The interpreter is very intense, a participant, a true "Gascon" Italian, a true revolutionary.   (Original language)   Ottimo il Cavaradossi Giancarlo Monsalve; di voce ampia, potente, calibrata e sostenuta con perizia. L’interprete è molto intenso, partecipe, un vero “guascone” all’italiana, un vero rivoluzionario.   |
by Maria Teresa Giovagnoli / May 2016 |
Teatro Petruzzelli. Bari / ITALY
  Interpretation that found confirmation in the ringing voice, devoid of mannerisms, robustly incisive in Giancarlo Monsalve's Cavaradossi.   (Original language)   Interpretazione che ha trovato riscontro nella voce squillante, scevra di manierismi, robustamente incisiva nel Cavaradossi di Giancarlo Monsalve   |
by Nicola Sbisà / June 2016 |
Florida Grand Opera. Miami / USA
  The cast pleasantly surprises by its homogeneity and powerful interpretation. The debut of the tenor Giancarlo Monsalve was very welcome. With good presence, its rich harmonic instrument, of beautiful Spinto timbre, shone above all in the central register, warm and round, and stentorian in the top.   (Original language)   Il cast ci sorprendeva piacevolmente per la sua omogeneità e forza interpretativa. Il debutto del tenore Giancarlo Monsalve era molto benvenuto. Di buona presenza, il suo strumento ricco in armonici, di bel timbro spinto, brillava anzitutto nel registro centrale, caldo e rotondo, e nell’acuto, stentoreo.   |
by Mario Hamlet-Metz Rivista L'OPERA / February 2016 |
Florida Grand Opera. Miami / USA
  Strong singing makes for thrilling ‘Norma’ at FGO The Chilean tenor Giancarlo Monsalve. He is an excellent Pollione, with a strong, virile, bronze-like tenor with high Italianate coloring in abundance. He has an enviably easy vocal power, and he is a handsome man who was quite persuasive as an enemy to whom two women would defect. Working off a strong directorial vision from Nic Muni, FGO’s Norma features standout vocal work from its four chief singers, all of whom bring plenty of stamina to their individual roles in one of the most demanding operas of this genre.   |
by Greg Stepanich / January 2016 |
Florida Grand Opera. Miami / USA
  Singers spark high flames in FGO’s impassioned “Norma” Pollione is a one-dimensional character but Monsalve brought a robust, virile tenor to the leader of the Druids’ enemies. His large voice turned lyrical and tender in duet with Khudoley as Pollione joined Norma in flaming death. Norma poses huge challenges, requiring singers with great flexibility and an extended vocal range. Florida Grand Opera’s production of this operatic landmark, which opened Saturday night at the Arsht Center avoids the usual pitfalls and delivered a frequently brilliant realization of Bellini’s masterpiece.   |
by Lawrence Budmen / January 2016 |
Florida Grand Opera. Miami / USA
  Giancarlo Monsalve does the own thing as Pollione, his good timbre voice gives him the perfect character to a loving and jealous father of his children.
The FGO achieved an ensemble wonderfully staged with a flawless production that every lover of opera and gender curious should see.   (Original language)   Giancarlo Monsalve hace lo propio como Pollione, su voz bien timbrada le da el carácter perfecto a un padre amoroso y celosos de sus hijos. La FGO logró un montaje maravillosamente llevado a escena con una producción impecable que todo amante de la ópera y curiosos del género deben ver.   |
by José J. Blanco H / February 2016 |
The Dallas Opera / USA
  That's Italian! The Dallas Opera offers up a straightforward, beautifully sung production of Puccini's Tosca. The young and handsome tenor Giancarlo Monsalve portrayed her lover Mario Caveradossi with virility and rash spontaneity. This made him believable as a man who would attract the glances of other women, giving the volatile Tosca some reason for her jealous behavior. It also gave veracity to his impulsive and personally dangerous outbursts while Scarpia tries to extract some information by the use of torture. As far as singers go, this is a memorable cast. The strong cast has big voices that are perfectly suited to verismo Italianate opera. Everyone’s high notes are secure and right in the mask so that they all fill the Winspear with vocal excitement. The net result of a cast with similar vocal production is a serendipitous uniformity of sound and matched size of voice, even in the smaller roles   |
by Gregory Sullivan Isaacs / November 2015 |
The Dallas Opera / USA
  "E lucevan le stelle” ("And the stars shone") and tenor Monsalve’s voice is rounded and full, his performance emotive yet real. Everyone dies. It's opera. So no big surprises there. You don’t go to the opera to be shocked by a sudden plot twist. You go to the opera to hear beautiful music sung by immensely talented performers and the Dallas Opera’s production of Giacomo Puccini’s tragic opera, Tosca, delivered   |
by Monica Hinman / November 2015 |
The Dallas Opera / USA
  Magee, Monsalve and Aceto combine to make a terrific "Tosca" trifecta. The Dallas Opera's "Tosca" that opened November 6 at the Winspear Opera House (and simulcast live in Klyde Warren Park) is a handsome production highlighted by three powerhouse principal performers. Giancarlo Monsalve is terrific as Cavaradossi.   |
by Drew Jackson / November 2015 |
Ancient theatre of Taormina (Live World Cinema Stream) / ITALY
  The Don José of the young Chilean tenor Giancarlo Monsalve, whose voice of strength left to underlie an acquired technique skill of the Italian traditional school (Del Monaco. Cecchele, Corelli) But capable of precious mezze voici in the spirit of the character that should not just be 'noisy '(as is often heard in the past, and not only) but express an anxious loving passion: correct and responsive to the writing resulted, for example, the closed end of the romance "La fleur que tu m'avais jetée"   (Original language)   Il Don Josè del Giovane tenore cileno Giancarlo Monsalve, la cui voce di forza lasciava sottendere una tecnica acquisita alla scuola italiana di tradizione (Del Monaco. Cecchele, Corelli) ma capace di preziose mezzevoci nello spirito del personaggio che non deve essere solo 'vociante' (come spesso si ascoltava in passato, e non solo) ma esprimere una trepidante passione amorosa: corretta e rispondente alla scrittura risultava, per esempio, la chiusa della romanza "La fleur que tu m'avais jetée"   |
by Aldo Mattina / Italy / August 2015 |
Ancient theatre of Taormina (Live World Cinema Stream) / ITALY
  In the character of Don José, the handsome tenor Chilean Giancarlo Monsalve found biunique harmony between enamel of timbre and acting.   (Original language)   Nel personaggio di Don José, l’aitante tenore cileno Giancarlo Monsalve ha trovato biunivoca consonanza tra smalto timbrico e recitazione.   |
by Maurizio Sesto Giordano / Italy / July 2015 |
Ancient theatre of Taormina (Live World Cinema Stream) / ITALY
  The Chilean tenor Giancarlo Monsalve has a powerful and dark voice, a little rebellious. These massive resources and a temperament essentially dramatic allowed him to find the best moments in the last two acts.   (Original language)   El tenor chileno Giancarlo Monsalve cuenta con una voz poderosa y oscura, un poco indócil. Esos imponentes medios y un temperamento esencialmente dramático le permitieron hallar los mejores momentos en los dos actos finales.   |
by Fernando Fraga / Spain / July 2015 |
Ancient theatre of Taormina (Live World Cinema Stream) / ITALY
  Giancarlo Monsalve on the other hand was an impressive Don Jose, conveying much with his rich voice and long eyelashes.   |
by Ros MacKenzie / London, UK / July 2015 |
RTÉ Concert Orchestra, National Concert Hall, Dublin / IRELAND
  Turiddu, was sung with matching vocal power and a strapping stage presence reminiscent of Gaston in Disney’s Beauty and the Beast by Chilean tenor Giancarlo Monsalve.   |
by Michael Dungan / June 2015 |
Seoul Arts Center / SOUTH KOREA
  With a voice as thick as a baritone and brilliant highs notes, appreciated by worldwide Opera experts, tenor Giancarlo Monsalve was the most beloved.   (Original language)   바리톤과 같은 굵은 음성에 화려한 고음으로 전 세계 오페라 전문가와 애호가에게 가장 사랑 받고 있는 테너 쟝까를로 몽살베   |
by News Report and Press / April 2015 |
FAOT. Sonora, Alamos / MEXICO
  The admirable technique of Monsalve, a technique from the old school that allows him to prop his vocal emission firmly to build a vibrant sound, ample, safe and that runs with brightness, despite its natural baritone dark accents. This is a true spinto Tenor, from a good school, with timbral flashes of ilk singers as Mario Del Monaco and with full awareness of his instrument and what he can achieve with it, giving him a personal identity that seeks no imitation. Monsalve undertook the "Improvviso" from Andrea Chenier, 'Un dì all'azzurro dì spazio' with such commitment, emotional strength and vocal orthodoxy that any possible criticism would be ancillary being the simple delight. When you have the abilities to sing without forcing the repertoire, the complex, sounds performed with a joyful easiness and so assumed the audience who thrilled applauded the end of the program. But the night did not end yet. Now came the encores: "Vissi d'arte" from Puccini's Tosca, the romance 'No puede ser' from La tabernera del puerto of Pablo Sorozábal and as a culmination of major league, the final duet of Andrea Chénier: "Vicino a te '. For several emotive minutes Monsalve was the revolutionary poet and lover, and Blancke Biggs the romantic lover Maddalena de Coigny, going to the guillotine, together and vibrant. A closing of anthology for the FAOT 2015.   (Original language)   la admirable técnica de Monsalve, una técnica de la vieja guardia que le permite apuntalar su emisión con firmeza para construir un sonido vibrante, amplio, seguro y que corre con brillo, no obstante sus naturales acentos oscuros, baritonales. Se trata de un spinto auténtico, de buena escuela, con destellos tímbricos de cantantes de raza como Mario Del Monaco y la conciencia plena de su instrumento y de lo que puede lograr con él, lo que le brinda una identidad personal que no busca la imitación. Monsalve acometió el “Improvviso” de Andrea Chénier, ‘Un dì all’azzurro spazio’, con tanta entrega, fuerza emotiva y ortodoxia vocal, que toda posible crítica resultaría accesoria ente el simple deleite. Cuando se tienen las facultades para cantar y no se fuerza el repertorio, lo complejo suena interpretado con una facilidad gozosa y así lo asumió el público que aplaudió mocionado el fin del programa. Pero la noche no acababa. Llegaron los encores: ‘Vissi d’arte’ de la Tosca pucciniana, la romanza ‘No puede ser’ de La tabernera del puerto de Pablo Sorozábal y como un colofón de grandes ligas, el dúo final de Andrea Chénier: ‘Vicino a te’. Por varios emotivos minutos Monsalve fue el poeta revolucionario y amante, y Blancke Biggs la amada romántica Maddalena de Coigny, que van a la guillotina realizados, juntos y vibrantes. Una clausura de antología del FAOT 2015.   |
by José Noé Mercado / March 2015 |
FAOT. Sonora, Alamos / MEXICO
  Giancarlo Monsalve was appreciated as a tenor with all the tools of his well placed tessitura, with a special richness, strength and depth in its low register, which is not often heard among tenors today. The best of the night, the last duet that they sung, the end of Andrea Chénier, Giordano, very well done vocally and expressive.   (Original language)   A Giancarlo Monsalve se le apreció como un tenor con todas las herramientas de su tesitura bien colocadas, con una especial riqueza, solidez y profundidad en su registro grave, que no se escucha con frecuencia entre los tenores de hoy. Lo mejor de la noche, el último dueto que cantaron, del final de la Andrea Chénier, de Giordano, muy bien logrado en lo vocal y en lo expresivo.   |
by Juan Antonio Brennan / March 2015 |
FAOT. Sonora, Alamos / MEXICO
  In the particular case of Giancarlo Monsalve, it is a tenor with a very strong low register and a very round vocal color. Both numbers individually and in the duets that they sang as a duet of Otello, both artists showed to the public voices of a deep and powerful dramatic register, ideal for this repertoire. The two highlights of this final section of the night (and festival) were two separate duets from operas Un ballo in maschera and unscheduled, Andrea Chénier. In both cases, Blancke-Biggs and Monsalve gave a lesson of rigor and conviction in their assembly work, credibly projecting in two extreme love situations, literally life or death, and putting into them the necessary in technique, expressiveness and passion. Undoubtedly, these two singers have what it takes to express a burning declaration of love to the best friend's wife, and the offer of giving the life to die with the beloved. Which is no small feat.   (Original language)   Nel caso particolare di Giancarlo Monsalve, è un tenore con un registro basso molto forte e un colore vocale molto rotondo. Entrambi i numeri tanto insieme come individualmente in un duetto di Otello, entrambi gli artisti hanno dimostrato al pubblico voci di un registro drammatico profondo e potente, ideale per questo repertorio. I due punti salienti di questa parte finale della notte (e anche del Festival) erano due duetti individualmente dalle opere Un ballo in maschera e, non in programma, Andrea Chénier. In entrambi i casi, Blancke-Biggs e Monsalve hanno dato una lezione di rigore e convinzione nel loro lavoro di ensamble, in modo credibile proiettando due situazioni di estremo amore, letteralmente la vita o la morte, e mettendo tutto il necessario in quanto a tecnica, espressività e passione. Senza dubbio, questi due cantanti hanno quello che serve per esprimere con ardore la dichiarazioni di amore per la moglie del migliore amico, e l'offerta di dare vita per morire con l'amato. Questo non è poca cosa.   |
by Juan Antonio Brennan / March 2015 |
Ancient theatre of Taormina / ITALY
  Giancarlo Monsalve was a Cavaradossi of great impetus, generous use of the voice, instilling to his role patriotic and lovepassion together; elegant and secure tenor, gave power without forcing to the unfortunate Mario, succeeding in the while to find truly lyrical accents especially in the last act, where the beautiful E lucevan le stelle triggered a wave of pure enthusiasm in the audience that filled the auditorium.   (Original language)   Giancarlo Monsalve è stato un Cavaradossi di grande slancio, generoso nell'uso della voce, infondendo al suo ruolo ardore amoroso e patriottico insieme; tenore elegante e sicuro, ha restituito vigore senza forzature allo sfortunato Mario, riuscendo nel contempo a trovare accenti davvero lirici soprattutto nell'ultimo atto, dove la bellissima E lucean le stelle ha scatenato un'ondata di puro entusiasmo nel pubblico che gremiva la cavea.   |
by Giuliana Cutore / August 2014 |
Ancient theatre of Taormina / ITALY
  Giancarlo Monsalve, in the role of Cavaradossi has dominated the scene and reached the lyrical pathos in the long-awaited and for a long time applauded L’ora è fuggita "E lucevan le stelle"   (Original language)   Giancarlo Monsalve, nel ruolo di Cavaradossi ha dominato la scena e ha raggiunto il pathos lirico nella attesissima e lungamente applaudita L’ora è fuggita "E lucevan le stelle"   |
by Sergio Sciacca / August 2014 |
Tones on the Stones, Open Air festival / ITALY
  The young Chilean tenor Giancarlo Monsalve, with high stage presence, clear phrasing and smooth timbre richly nuanced, has sung involved in passion. Singer with proven technical skills and interpretive revived the fibrillating emotions of Cavaradossi up to the killing of this, on top of the highest boulder and where, in despair, was cast into the void Tosca, while on the marble wall appeared the image of Castel Sant Angelo.   (Original language)   Il giovane tenore cileno Giancarlo Monsalve, con alta presenza scenica, chiaro fraseggio e morbido timbro ricco di sfumature, l’ha cantata con passione coinvolta. Cantante di provata bravura tecnica ed interpretativa ha fatto rivivere le fibrillanti emozioni di Cavaradossi fino all’uccisione di questi, in cima al masso più alto e da dove, in preda alla disperazione, si è lanciata nel vuoto Tosca, mentre sulla parete di marmo appariva l’immagine di Castel Sant Angelo.   |
by Renzo Bellardone / July 2014 |
Opera Avenches, Open Air festival / SWITZERLAND
  The sober "Carmen" has seduced the Arena of Avenches. The boundless power of the Chilean tenor Giancarlo Monsalve gave way throughout the drama, to his beautiful stage presence.  (Original language)   La sobre «Carmen» a séduit dans les arènes d’Avenches. La puissance débordante du ténor chilien Giancarlo Monsalve ont laissé place, au fil du drame, à sa belle présence scénique.  |
by Tierry Raboud / July 2014 |
Opera Avenches, Open Air festival / SWITZERLAND
  The Don José of Giancarlo Monsalve features a seductive tenor, and incarnate the figure of the voluble soldier very believable.  (Original language)   Der Don José von Giancarlo Monsalve verfügt über einen betörenden Tenor und verkörpert die Figur des wankelmütigen Soldaten sehr glaubwürdig.  |
by Thomas Schacher / July 2014 |
Michigan Opera / USA
  Giancarlo ( CALAF ) Monsalve. A handsome Calaf, a believable Calaf! Great to hear and wonderful to look at. You need to listen to this BIG VOICE.. Giancarlo will be a legendary Calaf. BRAVO!  |
by Dino Valle / May 2014 |
Washington National Opera / USA
  Mr. Monsalve displayed a smooth, flexible tenor range, capable of achieving significant volume against the orchestra’s romantic surges. His diction remained superb and as he accurately hit each top note.  |
by Terry Ponick / October 2013 |
Washington National Opera / USA
  Making his debut was Giancarlo Monsalve as Alvaro. The tenor revealed a burly timbre with baritonal heft, and, at his best, demonstrated an ability to sculpt phrases incisively.  |
by Tim Smith / October 2013 |
Washington National Opera / USA
  Chilean tenor Giancarlo Monsalve braves the “curse” to play Don Alvaro. Monsalve thrives, particularly on his soul-tortured aria “La vita è inferno … O tu che in seno agli angeli” (Life is a hell to those who are unhappy….Oh, my beloved, risen among the angels).  |
by Jessica Vaughan / October 2013 |
Washington National Opera / USA
  Another highlight is Giancarlo Monsalve’s heartbreaking aria “La vita e inferno all’infelice” about his past and unavoidable fate. All that needs to be said about Monsalve is that his presence is unparalleled. Bravo.  |
by Rebecca Evans / October 2013 |
Washington National Opera / USA
  Aaron, Monsalve and Delavan proved to be a formidable trio, both vocally and dramatically. The battle scenes, which involve both Monsalve’s Alvaro and Delavan’s Carlo were magnificently done. Not only are both powerful Verdian singers, but they are superb actors, exuding the machismo that makes Zambello’s staging of Verdi so theatrically realistic.  |
by William / October 2013 |
Washington National Opera / USA
  Giancarlo Monsalve showed off the coaching he has received in Italy by opening up and knocking out treacherous high notes consistently, throughout the evening. The beautiful African-American soprano Adina Aaron, and movie star handsome Chilean tenor, Giancarlo Monsalve not only did they look and act like young lovers, but they displayed the vocal mettle to handle Verdi’s demanding score.  |
by Laura Genero / October 2013 |
Washington National Opera / USA
  Monsalve delivered acting in spades, giving us a sexy and then tormented Alvaro.  |
by Greg Marzullo / October 2013 |
Washington National Opera / USA
  Chilean tenor Giancarlo Monsalve is sufficiently stirring as Alvaro; it’s impressive he has to do a lot of his singing while lying down.  |
by Roger Catlin / October 2013 |
Deutsche Oper am Rhein / GERMANY
  The Chilean tenor Giancarlo Monsalve as a rebellious hothead Rodolfo shined with his ringing spinto tenor voice with an exciting and passionate musical interpretation.  (Original language)   Der Chilene Giancarlo Monsalve als rebellierender Heißsporn Rodolfo mit leuchtendem Spinto-Glanz entfachen ein berückendes Spiel musikalischer Leidenschaft.  |
by Bernd Aulich / July 2013 |
Opéra de Lausanne / SWITZERLAND
  The strength of the staging proposed by the Opéra de Lausanne are the voice of Giancarlo Monsalve and Alexia Voulgaridou, both magnificent in their respective role.  (Original language)   La force de la mise en scène proposée par l’Opéra de Lausanne sont les voix d’Alexia Voulgaridou et Giancarlo Monsalve, tous deux magnifiques dans leur duo respectif.  |
by Valeria Vuille / March 2013 |
Opéra de Lausanne / SWITZERLAND
  The seductive Mario Cavaradossi of the young tenor Giancarlo Monsalve with clean and brilliant high notes was always flexible.  (Original language)   Le séduisant Mario du jeune ténor Giancarlo Monsalve aux aigus clairs et brillants, toujours souples.  |
by Gérard Corneloup / March 2013 |
Opéra de Lausanne / SWITZERLAND
  Giancarlo Monsalve, the tenor incarnate Mario Cavaradossi, painter and lover of Floria Tosca. With his active romantic repertoire including, among other operas Carmen, Cavalleria rusticana, Luisa Miller and Don Carlo, Giancarlo Monsalve yesterday delivered an excellent performance which earned him an ovation from the audience  (Original language)   Giancarlo Monsalve, le ténor incarnant Mario Cavaradossi, peintre et amant de Floria Tosca. Avec à son actif un répertoire romantique incluant entre autres les opéras de Carmen, Cavalleria rusticana, Luisa Miller et Don Carlo, Giancarlo Monsalve a livré hier une excellente prestation qui lui a valut l’ovation du public.  |
by Joëlle Cachin / March 2013 |
The Grand Theatre Warsaw / POLAND
  Beautiful Italian singing by the Chilean Tenor Giancarlo Monsalve in the title role of Don Carlo  (Original language)   Ładne włoskie śpiewanie cechuje chilijskiego tenora Giancarlo Monsalve (Don Carlos)  |
by Jacek Marczyński / January 2013 |
Teatro Comunale di Bologna / ITALY
  "In Cavalleria made his debut in Bologna the Chilean tenor Giancarlo Monsalve in the role of Turiddu, with beautiful stage presence, no doubt he has a high quality material, good stage instincts and the role of the lover and passionate Latin it fits like a glove" "Undoubtedly a burnished and shrill voice."   (Original language)   " In Cavalleria ha debuttato a Bologna il tenore cileno Giancarlo Monsalve nel ruolo di Turiddu, di bella presenza scenica, senza dubbio possiede un materiale di grande qualità, buon istinto scenico e il ruolo dell’amante passionale e latino lo calza a pennello" "indubbiamente una voce brunita e squillante."  |
by Mirko Bertolini / October 2012 |
Teatro Regio di Torino / ITALY
  Giancarlo Monsalve played Riccardo with excellence, with involvement and a warm and passionate voice.  (Original language)   Giancarlo Monsalve interpretó con prestancia a Riccardo, con envolvimiento y una voz calida y apasionada.  |
by Mirko Renzo Bellardone / October 2012 |
Greek National Opera / GREECE
  The charismatic Monsalve supported a heroic Mario: the pure and well prepared tenor voice he has, in combination with his athletic physical conformation, make it perfectly appropriate for the role.  (Original language)   Ο χαρισματικός Monsalve υποστήριξε έναν ηρωικό Mario: η καθαρή και καλοδουλεμένη φωνή τενόρου που διαθέτει, σε συνδυασμό με την αθλητική σωματική του διάπλαση, τον καθιστούν απολύτως κατάλληλο για τον ρόλο.  |
by Costantino P. Καράμπ / July 2012 |
Mikhailovsky Theatre St. Petersburg / RUSSIA
  The climax of the evening was a young Chilean tenor Giancarlo Monsalve.
Nearly six feet high, with an athletic physique and a spectacular sensual look, Monsalve is nothing but a typical Tenor. Without doubt, the singer has a very high quality material, good sense of the scene and partnership. Add to this, its dark and deep voice, with a dense center and a bright top, soon realize that a tenor like this can be an unbeatable advantage for many theaters. With his great voice was easy to fill the room acoustics, hard thing for other young tenors and singers in general, who has tried the Mikhailovsky Theatre stage. With his singing spoke freely, revealing musicality and good taste using many pianissimo, and mezzavoce. (However, he left also quite clear the great power of his voice, young and beautiful, with long pause in the madness of "Vittoria!" In the second act.)
Curiously, Monsalve began his career immediately with "strong" playing parts: Pinkerton, Don José, Don Carlos, Rodolfo (Luisa Miller), Turiddu and others - and at the same time with great success in the roles of Rodolfo in La Boheme and Cavaradossi.  (Original language)   гвоздём» вечера был молодой чилийский тенор Джанкарло Монсальве. С ростом почти метр девяносто, поджарым телосложением и эффектной внешностью киногероя, Монсальве выглядит далеко не типичным тенором. Певец обладает несомненной актёрской органикой, хорошим чувством сцены и партнёров. Добавьте к этому тёмный, глубокий, с плотной серединой и ярким верхом голос – и вы тут же поймёте, что такой тенор может стать завидным приобретением для многих театров. Своим объёмным и легко наполняющим непростой по акустике зал Михайловского театра тенором молодой певец владеет совершенно свободно, обнаруживая музыкальность и хороший вкус в многочисленных piano и mezzavoce. (Впрочем, была и вполне понятная, юношески-лихая и безумно долгая фермата на «Vittoria!» во втором акте). Любопытно, что Монсальве сразу начал свою карьеру с достаточно «крепких» партий: Пинкертона, Хозе, Карлоса, Рудольфа («Луиза Миллер»), Туридду и других — хотя с успехом выступал в партиях Рудольфа в «Богеме» или Каварадосси.  |
by Cyril Veselago Кирилл Веселаго / March 2011 |
Theater Lübeck / GERMANY
  Giancarlo Monsalve, triumphant success. Even purely from an external ideal personification he possesses, the young tenor is a perfect performer, dark timbre tenor with melting Italianness, Top absolutely safe and unbelievably smoothly-lyrical in the more subdued moments. Theatrically, he made the inner conflict, from the conservative soldiers to the powered, desperate lover impressively traceable. During the performance he was showered with bravos, as the final applause. A tenor of world class, which you need to hear!  (Original language)   Giancarlo Monsalve, triumphaler Erfolg. Schon rein vom äußeren eine Idealverkörperung besitzt der junge Tenor einen perfekt geführten, dunkel timbrierten Tenor mit schmelzender Italianita, absolut höhensicher und unglaublich geschmeidig- lyrisch in den eher verhaltenen Momenten. Schauspielerisch machte er die innere Zerrissenheit, vom biederen Soldaten zum getriebenen, verzweifelt Liebenden eindrucksvoll nachvollziehbar. Schon während der Vorstellung wurde er mit Bravo- Rufen überschüttet, ebenso beim Schlussapplaus. Ein Tenor von Weltklasse, den man einfach gehört haben muss!  |
by Claus Brandt / April 2011 |
Theater Lübeck / GERMANY
  The young Giancarlo Monsalve made his House debut.
His José was by far the best that I've ever heard live.
He makes the development from the conservative sergeant to the madness of the lover corroded by the contempt tremendously clear.
His Flower Song (with piano!) Was built incredibly thrilling and damn clever. For this purpose, he was a highly great performer.
A great career in the dramatic spinto specialist should be nothing in the way!  (Original language)   Der junge Giancarlo Monsalve gab sein Hausdebüt. Sein José war das mit Abstand Beste, was ich in der Rolle bislang live gehört habe. Er macht die Entwicklung vom zurückhaltenden Sergeanten zum vom Wahn zerfressenen verschmähten Liebhaber ungemein plastisch deutlich. Seine Blumenarie (mit Piano!) war unglaublich packend und verdammt clever aufgebaut. Dazu zeigte er sich als sehr guter Darsteller. Einer großen Karriere im dramatischen Spinto-Fach dürfte nichts im Weg stehen! Dort herrscht ja eh eine große Flaute.  |
by Michaela Koch & Anke Hartmann / April 2011 |
Deutschen Oper am Rhein / GERMANY
  Giancarlo Monsalve as Mario Cavaradossi, a real "lirico spinto". For once, not just a thoughtless beautiful singer as Cavaradossi, but a real artist.  (Original language)   Giancarlo Monsalve als Mario Cavaradossi ein echter "lirico spinto". Endlich einmal kein gedankenloser Schönsänger als Cavaradossi, sondern ein wirklicher Künstler.  |
by Ingo Hoddick / April 2011 |
Teatro Petruzzeli. Bari / ITALY
  The young and charming Chilean tenor Giancarlo Monsalve, an audacious and cool
Turiddu but also passionate.  (Original language)   Il giovane e fascinoso tenore cileno Giancarlo Monsalve, un Turiddu audace e gagliardo ma anche appassionato.  |
by Paola Assom / December 2010 |
Teatro Petruzzeli. Bari / ITALY
  Giancarlo Monsalve, has the (physique du role) for the part of Turiddu along with a ringing voice that does not pass unnoticed.  (Original language)   Giancarlo Monsalve, ha il (phisique du role) per la parte di Turiddu insieme a uno squillo che non passa inosservato.  |
by Francesco Mazzotta / December 2010 |
Teatro Petruzzeli. Bari / ITALY
  The tenor Giancarlo Monsalve played the role of Turiddu (Cavalleria) exhibiting a remarkable physique du role and a beautiful voice. He knew find fascinating softness, as in the initial serenade ("O lola ch'hai di latti la cammisa")  (Original language)   Il tenore Giancarlo Monsalve ha vestito i panni di Turiddu (Cavalleria) esibendo un notevole phisique du role e una bella voce. Sapeva trovare affascinanti morbidezze, come nella serenata iniziale (“O lola ch'hai di latti la cammisa”)  |
by Fernando Greco / December 2010 |
Teatro Petruzzeli. Bari / ITALY
  The Turiddu of Giancarlo Monsalve vocally shrill and incisive, easy going and obviously mendacious.  (Original language)   Il Turiddu squillante ed incisivo vocalmente, facilone ed evidentemente mendace di Giancarlo  |
by Nicola Sbisà / December 2010 |
Teatro Petruzzeli. Bari / ITALY
  The tenor Giancarlo Monsalve argued with security, the part of Turiddu in 'Cavalleria'.  (Original language)   Il tenore Giancarlo Monsalve ha sostenuto con sicurezza la parte di Turiddu in 'Cavalleria'.  |
by Enzo Garofalo / December 2010 |
Dijon Opéra / FRANCE
  The lieutenant Pinkerton. Giancarlo Monsalve is a seductive tenor, have easy high notes, we must keep an eye on him …  (Original language)   The lieutenant Pinkerton. Giancarlo Monsalve is a seductive tenor, have easy high notes, il ne faut pas le perdre de vue…  |
by Isabelle Truchon / September 2010 |
Dijon Opéra / FRANCE
  Giancarlo Monsalve (unforgettable Mario "Tosca" in Nantes and Angers, 2008) He recalls a beautiful stage presence and has a powerful and rich tone  (Original language)   Giancarlo Monsalve (inoubliable Mario de « Tosca » à Nantes et à Angers en 2008) D’une belle présence en scène, il raconte, doté d’un timbre puissant et riche  |
by Christophe Gervot / September 2010 |